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Vehicle Registration Guidelines


Personal Information

1. First Name

Type in your first name. Field is compulsory.


2. Last Name

Type in your last name. Field is compulsory.


3. Address

Type in your contact address. Field is compulsory.


4. State

Choose your state from the dropdown. Field is compulsory.


5. City

Choose your city from the dropdown. Field is compulsory.


6. Occupation

Type in your occupation. Field is compulsory.


7. Company Name

This field is not compulsory for personal vehicles but neccessary for vehicle belonging to organsations..


8. Home Phone

Type in your home phone number. This field is not compulsory.


9. Work Phone

Type in your work phone number. This field is not compulsory.


10. Mobile Phone

Type in your mobile phone number. This field is compulsory.


11. Email

Type in your email address. This field is compulsory.



Vehicle Information

1. Manufacturer

Select vehicle manufacturer. Field is compulsory.


2. Model

Select vehicle model. Field is compulsory.


3. Vehicle Type

Select vehicle type. Field is compulsory.


4. Vehicle Colour

Select vehicle color. Field is compulsory.


5. Vehicle Status

Select vehicle status. Field is compulsory.


6. Year Produced:

Select year vehicle was produced. Field is compulsory.


7. Engine Number

Type in your vehicle's Engine Number. This field is compulsory.


8. Chassis Number

Type in your vehicle's Chasis Number. This field is compulsory.


9. Insurance Category:

Select vehicle Insurance Category. Field is compulsory.


10. Insurance Policy Number:

Type in your vehicle's insurance policy number. This field is compulsory.


11. Vehicle Purpose

Select purpose of vehicle. Field is compulsory.


12. Odometer Reading

Type in your vehicle's insurance odometer reading. Field is compulsory.


13. Engine Capacity

Select your vehicle's engine capacity. Field is compulsory.



License Information

**This section is not available under "New Vehicle Registration". It is only available in the "Out of State Vehicle Registration".

1. License Number

Type in your license plate number.


2. Registration State

Select state in which License was registered.



Login Information

1. Username

This is your email address as inputed in the personal information section. This field is automatically completed, so you are not required to fill it in by yourself.


2. Password

Your password is your vehicle's chassis number as inputed in the vehicle information section. This field is automatically completed, so you are not required to fill it in by yourself.